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Found another solution? The task can be withdrawn at any time.
  • Create a task for free*
  • Receive free offers
  • Contact via KnowS-Chat
  • Accept or reject offers
*Found another solution? The task can be withdrawn at any time.

For which task are you looking for support?

({ displayCat(scope) })
  • ({ item.title })
Your choice: ({ catTitle })
Give your task a descriptive title
max. ({ 80 - form.title.length}) Characters
Here you can specify which service you need support for.
Describe as precisely as possible for what kind of service you are looking for help.
max. ({ formatPrice(1500 - form.description.length) }) Characters After successful booking, the private data such as email address and phone number can be exchanged here in the chat.
How much is this task supposed to cost?
Specify a range for your budget or set a fixed budget. If you have a voucher code, you can redeem it at the time of booking.
What the supplier should bring
What tools or accessories must the supplier bring with him to complete the task? **Optional
max. ({ 50 - form.customTags.length}) Characters
({ tag })
Upload files
Upload files or images. **Optional
Supported formats: JPEG, JPG, PNG, PDF, MP4 and MOV
({ file.title })
Save as a draft
Choose date & time
Choose whether your task should be completed before or on a certain day and/or at a certain time. **Optional
Choose location
Here you can choose whether no physical presence of the supplier on site (online) is necessary or the supplier must be physically present for the completion of the task. **Optional
Your address will not be published. Only the area is displayed.
Save as a draft

Publication is free of charge and can be cancelled at any time. An order is only initiated after a successful booking.


({ catTitle })

({ form.title })

  • ({ displayplace })
  •   ({ displaydate })
  • ({ displaytime })
  • Budget: ({ displayprice }) CHF ({ displayprice })

({ form.description })

Save as a draft