Discover the diversity of KnowS

Whether you want to build a wardrobe, design a logo, repair items, correct work, clean the apartment, paint the walls, carry out a move or organize a photo shoot. Simply describe what exactly you are looking for and specify a reasonable budget - KnowS will provide free quotes from verified providers in the community. Your job is insured by Zurich Insurance to give you peace of mind. Your task is insured by Zurich Insurance.

But that's not all: with every successful booking, KnowS plants a tree seedling to support the environment. Would you like to find out how to advertise your projects for free and find the best provider to implement them? We'll be happy to show you.

Do you need help with your everyday tasks? Discover and contact your favorite community members now for any service you are looking for. KnowS brings you together with the right people to successfully implement your projects and make the world a little greener at the same time.

Top support requests

Kategorie Technologie & Design Kategorie Haushalt & Handwerk Kategorie Bildung & Beratung Kategorie Lifestyle & Freizeit
VPN & Cloud einrichten Montage einer Deckenlampe SEO-Beratung meiner Webseite Privatkoch für Geburtstag gesucht
Webseiten-Design überarbeiten Zügelhelfer gesucht Nachhilfe in Physik Bücher einscannen
Shopify-Shop erstellen Transport eines Klaviers Korrekturlesen meiner Bachelorarbeit Servicepersonal an Event
Professionelle Bewerbungsfotos anfertigen Wohnungsreinigung 4-Zi-Whg Erstellung AGBs für mein Unternehmen Haare schneiden & färben
Hochzeitsfotograf gesucht Schiebeschranktür reparieren Hilfe bei der Steuererklärung Tennislehrer gesucht
Broschüren designen Pflanzen während Abwesenheit wässern Abendbetreuung für mein Kind Flughafentransfer
Neues Firmenlogo gestalten Tropfender Wasserhahn reparieren Hundesitting für 1 Tag DJ für Hochzeit gesucht

Learn more in the video

Get everything done for you in three easy steps

1. Advertise your task

Give your task a meaningful title and describe the content of the task as precisely as possible. Let the potential provider know on what day, at what time and for what budget your task is to be performed.

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2. Choose the best offer

Choose the most suitable offer based on the provider's ratings and the given price. After successful booking you can arrange the last details with your provider in the KnowS-Chat.

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3. Task completed

The provider completes your task on the agreed date. Initiate the payment and evaluate the completion of your task. You can post your task again at any time.

Your advantages with KnowS


Well insured

All suppliers are insured for liability for all tasks by Zurich Insurance. You can find more information here.


Free usage

Use the entire offer at KnowS at any time for free and receive offers from verified providers. You can find more information here.


Secure payment

You pay securely with your credit card only after completing your task. Thanks to SSL encryption, your data is secure at all times.