Since KnowS was launched, our community is constantly growing and we are changing with and through you. We experience this mutual growth as incredibly great and would like to thank you formally for it.
The bigger the KnowS community gets, the faster, better and more sustainable we become. Sustainable since as the community grows, the likelihood increases that people living nearby will find and support each other. Currently, we already count more than 14,000 active members. Isn't that wonderful? 💙 You too can be a part of this vision, because together everything is easier.
We are committed to ensuring that our society can take an active role in combating climate change - as simply as possible. But that's not all:
🌱 With each successful completion of an order, KnowS plants a tree seedling in Borneo, Indonesia. 🦧
We plant trees where they are most needed and promote a climate-friendly future. With our contribution, we are helping to protect the rainforests, the lungs of our world. Read more:
Are you in?
With KnowS, we want to ensure that people can benefit from the knowledge and skills of their fellow human beings as close to each other as possible. This is not only more sustainable, but also much more convenient for everyone and more efficient in every respect. To make KnowS even more sustainable, our next goal is to reach the 20,000 mark. Find out how KnowS works.
As an additional incentive: Each recommendation will be rewarded with CHF 20 and up to the 20,000 users, each new registration will also receive a voucher with a 10% discount - so you win in any case. 🎁
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